Monday, July 12, 2010


My name is David Volke. I am hoping to teach Health and Physical Education at the High School level. I have always been interested in health and fitness and I'm hoping that the students and I can learn more about both together. I'm excited and nervous about starting this process but I know that the work I will put in will be worth it when I make an impact on the students.

My favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are a great companion and are much smarter than people give them credit for. I liken dogs to young children. You essentially have to teach them the same things. Right and wrong. Basic commands. Potty training. Dogs can grasp all these concepts and can even be taught to help people with disabilities in various ways. I consider dogs a part of my family and not simply as pets. Yes, I'm one of those people. Cheers!


  1. Hello, my name is Zach. I am commenting on your blog. Your picture is pretty. Have a nice day.

  2. Thank you very much Zach! I appreciate you commenting on my blog. You are awesome.

  3. I want to be awesome like Zach so I am commenting on your blog too.


  5. You are also very awesome Steven! Then again, I think you already knew that.
